Sunday, 27 September 2009

Pictures of my day out with thomas and at the play barn

Cakes for school.

Here are the cakes my mummy and grandma helped me make for school . They had little pig faces on . Chocolate pigs are my brothers favourite sweets.

My lovely things from little myz.

Samantha is my friend she is 4 like me and she likes to make cards too. I got these lovely things from her today. I will be able to make lots of things now.

My no cake birthday cake.

Here is my birthday cake and it was made from sweeties and had no cake in it. It had marshmallows and foam bananas and foam shrimps and jelly beans and strawberry bon bons and chocolate drops with sprinkles and mushrooms and strawberry laces and lots more. It is yummy .

Friday, 25 September 2009

My beautiful princess card

Here is my lovely card with a princess. I think i'm a very lucky girl and mrs benoit my teacher said i am too. She is jealous of my beautiful hat. she said she told Mr benoit she wants a hat and he's mean he won't buy one.


Here is my lovely fairy from rainmac . It takes a long time to stitch things and you have to be careful with the needles cos grandma told me when flourgirl stitched me one. I think they are very clever ladies. Here is a lovely surprise rainmac sent me too.

My Lovely hat like auntie jennies.

Auntie Jennie sent me a parcel for my birthday and when i opened it i saw a beautiful hat like auntie jennie's. It made me cry because i think it is beautiful. Auntie Jennie is a special lady because it takes a long time to stitch things and she put lots of beautiful things on for me. Butterflies too which i like a lot. I let my little sister try it on too because she was pointing in the box and patting her head. She has to sign to us because her ears don't work properly and i have been learning how to sign too. My teacher says i am a clever girl signing and i sometimes have to tell the teacher what carly is signing.

Birthday cards

Here are my cards i got from the lovely ladies at mse . Flourgirl sent me the beautiful princess castle i like princesses. Marg sent me some lovely cats i like cats but grandma is scared of Rainmac made me a beautiful fairy with a kicking k like in my name Kaitlyn. and Samantha ( Little Myz ) sent me one with a yummy cake i love cakes my mummy made me some with chocolate pigs on to take to school . yum yum

Monday, 21 September 2009

Get well card from joshua

Here is my lovely get well card from joshua. It has a lovely squishy teddy on just like my teddy. I had a bad earache and it made me cry but i'm feeling much better now. I have to take my medicine and it is yeuch.

Thursday, 3 September 2009

card for thomas's birthday

here is the card i made for my friend thomas's birthday .

Thursday, 27 August 2009

An atc for bunbun

A nice lady called bunbun was kind enough to send me a atc with a teddy on i like teddies. So grandma said i could try to make for bunbun. Grandma said it had to have something with noses so i chose mr nosey as i like mr men too. Grandma cut it out for me then i stuck some nice paper on and then mr nosey and some pretty flowers for him to smell. Grandma was jealous she said it was better than hers. I am very proud cos i made this it is my first one.

Wednesday, 19 August 2009

Here is my lovely card from Joshua the postman brought it for me this morning . He likes to make cards too. I think he makes lovely cards . I will put it on my noticeboard then i can see it all the time . Thank You Joshua

Monday, 17 August 2009

A special red hat

This is my very special card for auntie jennie.She likes big red hats with feathers and things and she wears lots of jewels. She is very pretty and looks like a princess. My grandma cut me a big red hat out and i stuck all the jewels on.Grandma said good grief thats a lot of jewels but i think it's just right. silly grandma.

Thank You to Flourgirl

This is my special card for Flourgirl as she sent me my beautiful fairy. Flourgirl likes to make cakes so i found this picture of a lady baking. Flourgirl looks like this when she makes cakes i think. Cakes are yummy. I wanted a rolling pin to go on but no one had any so i looked in grandmas button folder and found the gingerbread men.

Sunday, 16 August 2009

my beautiful fairy

This is my beautiful card from flourgirl it is a fairy. I love fairies grandma says this is sewn with a needle i think that takes a long time grandma said so too. I am very lucky that flourgirl did this for me. She is very nice. I have sent flourgirl and auntie jennie (the wife ) a very special card each but you can't see a picture yet cos they might peep.

Friday, 14 August 2009

for rainmac

This is my card to say thank you to rainmac cos she sent me a beautiful card and some lovely things. grandma said i'm very lucky that all these nice ladies send me things . I think so too.

for melissa

this is my thank you card for melissa she is a nice lady and she sent me lots of lovely goodies.

Card for Joshua

This is the card for joshua he is my new friend too. Grandma let me borrow her new pirate stamp. I love my stickers so i put some on for him .

This is the card i made for thomas and i did one for maddison too.I got the mr men papers from the range when grandad took usI think thomas will like doggies so i made him a doggy one.

Wednesday, 22 July 2009

Granda took me to a big shop called the range yesterday and he bought me some nice things for my cards. I got some mr men papers,some stickers ,some tags, some smirk glitter tags, a huge box of pieces of card and i love it it has lots of glittery pieces . Grandma says i'm very lucky cos he only bought grandma a sweeping brush and i was laughing .

Tuesday, 21 July 2009

This is my lovely surprise from a nice lady called sarah. I am very excited . I like new craft things. I have been very busy tonight and i have made 2 more cards and started another but i can't let grandma put the pictures on yet cos it will spoil the surprise.

This is the lovely card and things for my craft box that melissa made for me.She sent me some disney princesses and they are my favourites

Tuesday, 14 July 2009


This is the card i sent to my new friend thomas . I put his name on he is a clever boy and he spelt my name right .He is a boy and boys like robots .
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Friday, 10 July 2009

This is my special card from a special lady called jennie. She is on grandma's internet and she wears big red and purple hats with feathers and lots of sparkly jewels.
It is my favourite colours green and pink . I also got some lovely things for my craft box. I love my new rainbow papers they are all sparkly . I am making jennie a very special card to say thank you.

This is my card from my new friend thomas. It is lovely. I have made thomas one with a robot on. Thomas likes to make cards too.